Today I want to talk to you briefly about the people you surround yourself with and those you may even call close or "best" friends.
One thing I learned quickly in the corporate world is that you surround yourself with the people that you along most with in terms of goals and aspirations. In other words, if they are goal oriented, leaders with a passion and zeal for similar things that you also have a passion for, then I would surround myself with those people. I found there are plenty of "Eeyore" types, who are happy only when there are trying to tear down another person, through things like gossip or by stealing credit for their accomplishments. I am sure you have met this type of person. The eternal pessimist, who can't stand working where they do, and is always happy to complain about something and to try to get you involved in that gossip or complaining. What I also learned is that it can be very hard to trust people who you think are your friends, because in business, it would seem that everyone is looking out for themselves to get the next promotion and if you get in their way, sometimes people overlook their morals or trade them for "perceived" success and prestige.
When I left the corporate world and moved into ministry I though that things would be different, and they were, but human sinfulness stayed basically the same. Why do I bring all of this up? I bring it up because I have found that it is crucially important to continue to trust in The Lord that He will surround you with amazing and upright people in your life, who will uplift, edify and also hold you accountable when you backslide (and we will all backslide).
I first found an amazing group of people by joining a small group. I was deeply entrenched in my corporate world, filled with stress and accomplishing the newest "title" and pay promotion and would often show up to the group with all of this stuff showing all over my face and general countenance. I thought I was doing a great job hiding it from this amazing group of people, but after a period of time, it was apparent to some of them and they began to ask me very pointed and powerful questions. It seemed like the particular individual was delving deep into my innermost thoughts. How is this even possible? As I stayed in the group, I found that my entire personality changed when I was around the group. I could be free to be myself. I could share what was really on my mind and had been troubling me. I still have many of these same people involved in my daily life and I am happy to call many of them my close personal friends. It was also during my time with that group that I made an extremely difficult decision to leave my corporate life and nice paycheck to pursue a life of ministry on a full-time basis. I am deeply grateful to this powerful group of people that God placed in my life and I am certain that without the leanings of the Holy Spirit and a few amazing people calling me in ways I was too scared or stubborn to challenge myself, I may have never taken this path.
Do you have a group of like-minded Christian friends that you meet with on a regular basis? It can be youth ministry groups, adult singles, young married couples with or without kids, older small groups, a mixture of ages doing life together, you name it. Most churches offer small groups to the attendees and if you have been holding off or are just not sure because you feel like you may be judged or you don't feel like you have anything to contribute, let those concerns go. Lift them up in prayer to God. Ask Him to help provide you with guidance and patience to step out of your comfort zone and to join in the spiritual life journey together with a group of strangers, who by the way, will not be strangers to you for very long.
What about other friends that you hang around with? Do they all have to be Christian? Do they all have to share your same views or doctrine? Of course not, in fact that is what makes it possible to expand our diversity and have potential opportunities to be open-minded and experience other cultures and religions. My wife's best friend for years (and still is) at work is a Jewish woman who is twenty some years older than her. We have had amazing conversations with her over the years and forged a powerful friendship that will last forever.
In closing, I would just want you to think about the people that Jesus surrounded himself with. Look up the background of the disciples as homework. It will truly open your eyes. Who did He regularly see when he traveled to the various cities on His journeys? Was it the people who were strong in their faith or those who others would have ignored as not important enough to preach to?
I look forward to any comments or feedback you may have on this entry - Blessings.
Daily recharging my Spirit,
Pastor Bill Blanck
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